Friday, April 6, 2007

Thing I learn with preparing of my thesis show

My experience in preparing for my thesis show is that of preparing ahead of time... I set my show to be in a Jewish temple in December I spoke with the Temple director and he approved my show but did not give me a date. After many weeks of pursuing a finite date, and feeling at ease since he approved the show, I pursued his but did not worry about it. After pressing him after not getting a set date for two month he replied to day that he showed my work to the Temple board and because I use burned human hair in my work they would not approve having my show at the Temple. (Being that it create a connotation of the Holocaust). What do I do now? My work is site specific, and has to be created for the space it encompasses. This is a big problem, and being that is now February now... time is ticking down. I spoke to many friends and through out a large net for anything available. In the end it past to have good friends, and family. I was given a beautiful space in a church (where I know the Pastor). It is a huge glass walk way! The difficulty is that it is a high traffic area, and for that reason and being that my work is completely destructible I set my show up in two days, had my opening and then removed it that same evening. It was beautiful, perfect space for my work, but took a great deal of preparation and planning to pull everything off and well. In the end it all worked out! Thank God! But my advise and lessoned learned is be clear with people, don't be afraid to ask for specifications, be clear, direct and set a date early!